
Cylindrical Earth

Circles are too flat. What if we want to make a cylindrical Earth? We can take the same sort of approach, but we need a couple more parameters. Let’s say we have a cap radius and height , then we can make this: With the sphere radius , by matching the surface areas, the possible […]


Variable-Radius Flat Earth

No, not the conspiracy theory. For example, here is an Earth-splat: And here is an Earth-square: And both are equal-area projections! How did I do this? Math. Math math math. We’ll use spherical coordinates, with polar angle and azimuthal angle . This means that latitude is, in radians, , and longitude is . We’ll say […]


Earth as a Disc

I wanted an equal-area projection of the earth onto a disk. This is a simple one. We’ll use spherical coordinates, with polar angle and azimuthal angle . This means that latitude is, in radians, , and longitude is . We’ll say that the sphere has a radius of . We’ll have the North pole at […]