The Eikonal equation is an approximation used in solving wave equations, and it turns out to also be good for stripes! We try to make a phase map, ( p), based on the brightness of the image ( I), with \nabla p = 2\pi |(1-I)/ L_{min}|, where L_{min} is the minimum wavelength desired. This can be approximately solved with the gray-weighted distance transform, which builds a solution outward from a set of seed points.
For example, here’s Lena with a different seed points. The first starts at the center, the second starts at the top and sides of the image, and the third starts at detected edges in the image.

2 replies on “Eikonal Stripes”
I’m using your Halftoner prog. written in processing. It’s very interesting.
From there I come to this web page.
Here your “Eikonal stripes” took my interest. I started to program this in
Python but i did’n succseed. So it would be very helpfull for me if I got more hints from you to get a running software.
Best regards
Franz Hofmann
Since I was using MATLAB, it has a built-in function (grayDist), which makes it easy to compute. It looks like there’s a git repo with an implementation here.
Sorry for the slow response, my notifications get lost sometimes.