Click here for a PDF copy of my CV.
Skills summary
- Programming languages: Python, MATLAB, Java, Mathematica, LaTeX, LabVIEW “G”
- Fabrication tools: Rapid prototyping (3D printing, laser cutter), manual and G-code machining.
- Software: MATLAB, LabVIEW, SolidWorks, Blender, XFOIL, Linux.
- Scientific: Experimental design and analysis, especially in aero/fluid mechanics.
- Communications: authored 10+ papers and conference presentations.
- Languages: English (native), French (literate), Spanish (basic).
- Independent contractor. 12/2019 – Present
- Designed and authored efficient, accurate tools for optimizing fiber industry processes.
- Extreme time savings: 1.5 second simulation runtime vs 3 hour industrial tests.
- Delivered code with user-friendly documentation, iterated with the client to ensure satisfaction.
- Independent researcher.
- Evolutionary algorithms in MATLAB and XFOIL to optimize airfoils: increasing L/D by 30%
- Cryptographic and artistic image processing. Manuscripts submitted and in preparation.
- Postdoctoral Fellow at the Université Catholique de Louvain: 08/2017 – 10/2019
- Applied machine learning tools to control simulated aerodynamic systems, such as reducing turbulent loads.
- Developed an internal codebase of machine learning algorithms and aerodynamic models to support the research team.
- Simulated efficiency of formation flight of aircraft, and optimized flock changes, reducing fuel use by 15%.
- Coached four PhD candidates in their research.
- Graduate Researcher at the California Institute of Technology: 08/2012 – 06/2017
- Created a novel vortex-gust generation system, with reduced experimental interference with the test article. Investigated separated flow, vortex dynamics, and fluid-structure interaction.
- Designed and built an experimental testing apparatus including its control/actuation system.
- Designed a custom modular wing to be 3D printed, with a stepper motor actuated flap. Machined its lightweight and stiff support structure.
- Designed, assembled, and characterized a computer controlled heaving plate to generate gusts.
- Designed and implemented efficient LabVIEW programs to actuate the motor, plate, record force data, and synchronize external particle image velocimetry measurements.
- Developed numerical tools to analyze more than 4 TB of data.
- Analyzed forces with Fourier and modal analysis, sparse approximation, and reduced order modeling techniques.
- Analyzed flow velocity fields with vortex identification and tracking algorithms.
- See my posts summarizing my thesis and describing my research process
- Researcher at École Polytechnique: 08/2011 – 08/2012
- Examined dynamics of tidal power generation.
- Designed and implemented in MATLAB an unsteady vortex panel method with adaptive time-stepping, parallel execution, and several explicit and implicit numerical integration methods.
- Intern at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory: 06/2007 – 08/2007
- Performed thermal, structural, and performance analysis of diamond-epoxy grinding bits.
- Created the safety plan for a material impact test, and aided in its execution.
- Ph.D. Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, CA. 06/2017
- M.S. Mécanique des Fluides, École Polytechnique. Palaiseau, France. 08/2012
- First in class.
- Thesis: Power Generation and Stability of a Flapping Airfoil.
- M.S. Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, CA. 06/2011
- B.S. Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA. 06/2009
- Thesis: Modeling and experimental measurement of boundary layer cooling on a wing-mounted solar panel.
Research Gallery
Wake roll-up model Vortex panel method for aircraft stability simulations Reinforcement learning for loads alleviation Attempt to emulate ibis flight patterns, using data from Voelkl et al (2015) PIV around an airfoil Caltech’s NOAH water tunnel Response of wing to a vortical gust Flow modification with a flap Unsteady panel method Solar cell research
- Vortical Gusts: Experimental Generation and Interaction with a Wing. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. AIAA Journal (2019).
- Loads Alleviation on an Airfoil via Reinforcement Learning. E. Hufstedler, P. Chatelain. AIAA Scitech Forum (2019).
- Isolated Gust Generation for the Investigation of Airfoil-Gust Interaction. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference (2016).
- Simultaneous PIV and Force Measurements on an Airfoil: Model Reduction and Force Estimation. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (2015).
Conference Presentations
- Reinforcement Learning for Turbulent Loads Alleviation with Individual Pitch Control. E. Hufstedler, P. Chatelain. Simulation et Optimisation pour les Énergies Marines Renouvelables (2019).
- Learning to fly more efficiently in groups: Reinforcement Learning and String Stability. E. Hufstedler, J. Riehl, J.M. Hendrickx, P. Chatelain. Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control (2019).
- Loads Alleviation on an Airfoil via Reinforcement Learning. E. Hufstedler, P. Chatelain. AIAA Scitech Forum (2019).
- Investigation of an Aperiodic Vortical Gust Generator. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (2016).
- Characterization of vortical gusts produced by a heaving plate. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 69th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (2016).
- Isolated Gust Generation for the Investigation of Airfoil-Gust Interaction. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 46th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference (2016).
- Characterization of an Aperiodic Vortical Gust Generator. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (2016).
- Simultaneous PIV and Force Measurements on an Airfoil: Model Reduction and Force Estimation. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (2015).
- Characterization of a Vortical Gust Generator using PIV. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 68th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (2015).
- Vortex Tracking with Simultaneous PIV and Force Measurements. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (2015).
- Investigation of Bio-Inspired High Lift Devices for Stall Mitigation. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. 67th meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics (2014).
- Toward Applying High-Lift Effectors for Gust-Force Mollification. E. Hufstedler, B.J. McKeon. Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (2013).
- Recreational programming:
- Mathematically rigorous approaches to image half-toning in MATLAB and Java.
- Abstract and nature-inspired generative art. See my OpenProcessing page.
- Transformational cartography: accurately mapping globes to polyhedra.
- Physical projects:
- CNC Machining, primarily in wood.
- Papercraft-inspired metalwork sculptures.
- Persistence of vision spinning LED display.
- Realization of half-toning programs in sheet metal.
- Ultimate Frisbee: captain of the Caltech Aerospace department’s league-winning team.